Privacy Policy


Ringke Certified Store Malaysia prioritizes the privacy of all our customers and visitors. 

This Privacy Policy documents the types of information collected, recorded and used by Ringke Certified Store Malaysia, accessible from (hereinafter referred to as “us”, “we”, or “website”).

This Privacy Policy is applicable to all activities on the website made by visitors. This Privacy Policy cannot be applied to activities or information collected on channels outside of this website. 

By using our website, you hereby consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its terms.

- Gathering of Personal Information

Ringke Certified Store Malaysia may gather and record information of visitors based on his or her interaction with us. This information stored will vary depending on the actions taken while on our website.

- How Stored Information is Used

The recorded information on our website will be used in various ways:

  • Provide, operate, and maintain our website
  • Analyze and learn how our website is used by visitors
  • Communicate with visitors and customers (customer service, product updates, marketing material, and more)
  • Communicate with visitors and our customers directly or through an external messaging system such as email services for customer service, product information and updates, and promotional marketing material.
  • Locate and prevent fraudulent behavior

The Information that is Stored within the Website

All collected information is used to enrich your experience with the Ringke Certified Store Malaysia. Personal information will be explicitly asked for with certain actions, and upon providing the information, you allow us to use this information in order to provide our services and contact you if the need and occasion arise.

The creation of an account is required in order to purchase from the website, and we will require all the information necessary to process an e-commerce order.

If you contact us through the website, we may receive additional personal information including but not limited to Name, Billing Address, Shipping Address, Telephone Number, Email, and Order History.

- Website Security

We place the utmost importance on the security of our website and the information stored within the servers, however, there is not a 100% foolproof method to prevent security breaches. We cannot guarantee the absolute security of our electronic storage or digital transmission via the internet at this time.

- Cookies

Ringke Certified Store Malaysia uses “cookies” on our website to further enrich your experience on our website. Cookies are information that is stored on the website to track visitor preferences and page accesses. You may deny the usage of cookies on our website through the browser settings on our computer, but in order to fully experience Ringke Certified Store Malaysia, we recommend allowing cookies.

You hereby acknowledge and agree to our usage of cookies on the website if you do not change your cookie settings on your browser.

- Links to External Sites

Links to third-party or external sites that are not operated by us may be used throughout the site, such as any connected social networking sites. Clicking the link of an external site will lead you to the site.

The Privacy Policy of the Ringke Certified Store Malaysia will not be applicable to any outside websites, so we advise you to read the Privacy Policy of any site you may be directed to.

We cannot assume responsibility for any content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party sites, products, or services.

- GDPR Data Protection Regulations

All consumers reserve the right to exercise their data protection rights according to the General Data Protection Regulation. All natural persons are entitled to the following:

  • The right to know the information that is being stored regarding the consumer.
  • The right to access personal data of the consumer.
  • The right to rectify any information that is believed to be incorrect.
  • The right to erase personal data*
  • The right to restrict the personal data processed within our website*
  • The right to object data processing of personal information*

*In order to fully carry out any e-commerce trades and sales, certain information may be retained until a set time and situation.

If you would like to exercise your right to any of these acts, please contact us.

- Children’s Information

We are actively looking out for the safety and protection of children. We encourage parents and guardians to actively observe, participate, and monitor the actions of children while they are on the internet to prevent quandaries before they arise.

Ringke Certified Store Malaysia does not knowingly collect the personal information of children under the age of 13. If you believe your child under the age of 13 provided us with their information, please contact us immediately, and we will attempt to promptly remove all information from our database.

- Withdrawal of Consent

    - If at any time you would like to withdraw your consent and remove your information from our website, please contact us at

    - Please be advised, data used for order fulfillment may not be removed for our legal and business records. The history of email communication will also not be deleted.

- Privacy Policy Changes

Ringke Certified Store Malaysia holds the right to update and modify the Privacy Policy without prior warning or visitor discretion. If you would like to keep updated, please check back on this page frequently for any changes.

- Contact Information

If you have additional questions or require more information about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us.